That tough new project

Tried to get started on that new project, but I found it hard to switch from the blood and bite mode my brain has been in thanks to vamp book #3. Plus, I spent a nice bit of time on Sunday morning with a reporter from Catalina Magazine who is going to do a story on my work for an upcoming issue. She was great and lots of fun to speak with about writing.

But back to that new project -- so with much trepidation I did the first chapter and found it to be all of 3 pages long. Add to that my worry that the tone lacked the humor and lightness that gave TORI GOT LUKCY so much life.

With it being Valentine's Day thought, I tried to force such negative thoughts from my mind and tackled it again on Tuesday morning, especially since I would be meeting with my critique group that night. Whew, was I relieved that for the most pary, they found it humorous and wanted to read on!

So, I'm back at it, brainstorming where I want this story to be right now so I can take it somewhere logical in the next 25 pages!

More later . . .


Yeah, Charity, you're blogging!

Welcome to the fun world of blogging.

Elizabeth K. Mahon
President, RWA NYC

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